Processing your image...


High Accuracy

Continuous updates for improving accuracy

Quick Results

Balancing speed with precision

User-friendly Interface

Ultrasound analysis made easy

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Please upload an ultrasound image to detect thyroid nodules.

About us

Megalabs brings the best solutions to problems that are emerged with the modern world. We create technologies for the good of the World. We work with several hospitals and research universities to bring our medical products to the use of patients.

Megalabs is using the novel AI methods which developed using millions of patient data from 40 countries.

What We Offer

How it works

Step 1 - Sign into the system with your account

Step 2 - Load your ultrasound images

Step 3 - The images will be automaticall analyzed

Step 4 - You can benefit from the automatic detection of the thyroid nodules as well as keep track of your all your ultrasound images uploaded before